Master's in FinanceStudents interested in a Master’s in Finance might wonder if they need undergraduate degree in finance to get a Master’s in Finance. Knowing which courses and degrees may be considered prerequisites to enter into a Master’s degree program of any type is important before you complete undergraduate studies. Unfortunately, many students with a Bachelor’s degree do not get an interest in Finance until well after they have earned their degree in an unrelated field.

What Are the Common Admissions Requirements for Master’s Programs in Finance?

Do you know what the common admissions requirements are for the school you would like to attend? If you have not visited the college’s website and reviewed the Master of Finance program requirements, it is in your best interest to do so. While all schools have similar admissions criteria for graduate programs, there are schools that are more strict than others. A majority of schools do not require prospective students to have a Bachelor’s degree in Finance just to enter a M.S. in Finance, but there will always be schools that will give priority to those who did major in a related area.

You may be wondering just what the requirements are to study for a Master of Finance degree, and the answer is an accredited degree that fulfills the credit and course requirements. Just because you do not need a Bachelor’s in Finance does not mean that you should not complete any courses in Finance to meet admissions criteria. There will be a list of courses that most colleges require you to have completed before you can be granted admissions into a M.S. program. Typically, foundation courses in finance and accounting will be required, so it is in your best interest to contact admissions and verify that you have completed everything necessary to apply.

Related Resource: Financial Analyst

Why Don’t All Schools Require You to Major in Finance?

You may be wondering why any Master of Science in Finance program would accept students into a mastery program when they did not attain basic knowledge in the field during undergraduate studies. The answer to this question is because many schools are looking for a diverse body of students from different backgrounds. The diversity of educational backgrounds will bring variety to the classroom. Many programs will accept students who have degrees in: math, science, computer science, physics and even engineering. The main requirement is that you can show that you performed well as an undergrad and that you are committed to performing well in grad school.

Many students choose to major in fields where demand drops, and this creates a need for the student to earn an advanced degree in another field. According to the article, Top 10 In-demand Careers, the market is booming for financial analysts, especially those with Master’s degrees. If you would like to enter the growing world of finance, where demand is high and salaries are higher, be sure to enter the right type of educational program.