The exact amount of time that it takes to complete an online Master’s in Finance depends on the student’s availability and the target academic program. Generally speaking, most distance education programs will take one and a half to two years to finish.

Graduate Finance Degree Programs

Distance education degrees are an alternative education option for non-traditional students who cannot attend school full-time. Some of these programs offer weekend or evening classes that are in real-time. Some programs are referred to as hybrids, which means they offer both on-campus and distance education classes. Most classes are accelerated, which means that curriculum and program requirements are optimized to save time. However, a certain amount of degree programs are actually decelerated for full-time working adults who only want to attend part-time. Traditional degree programs usually take two to three years because students must complete research and work one-on-one with professors who are usually busy.

Resource: Top 10 Best Online Master of Finance Degree Programs

Why Distance Education Classes are Faster

Although some graduate degree programs only require 30 credit hours, some require up to 50. However, the average credit hour requirement for a graduate degree program is 36 to 38 credit hours. Distance education courses save so much time because students do not have to physically travel to school, spend time in classrooms and then additional time socializing and navigating the campus. Distance education courses do lack face-to-face interactions with students and faculty, but they offer excellent flexibility because students can conveniently study almost every from home, work and even while commuting. Many distance education programs are more accommodating when it comes to transferring credits and accepting work experience.

Mandatory Coursework

Although finance students will most likely excel at math and accounting, they may struggle with certain classes that focus on more abstract subjects. To illustrate, classes on advanced corporate finance and investments will explore portfolio selection, investment theories and corporate taxation and accounting. Classes on global investments will study international economics through the lenses of both finance and accounting. Classes on financial decision making may touch on behavioral finance or economics. These fascinating fields combine elements of psychology, sociology and finances to study things like conflicts of interest and money management.

Degree Specializations

Many schools allow finance students to specialize in either financial analysis or planning. A financial analysis specialization may require students to take more academically demanding and intellectually challenging courses. A good example is a class on quantitative financial fundamentals. This course will explain complex concepts related to accounting and microeconomics while also teaching the quantitative skills needed to perform research. Classes on quantitative microstructures will provide a cross-disciplinary introduction to statistics and operations management. On the other hand, a financial planning specialization will require the student to learn about personal estate, finance and insurance planning.

When deciding to complete an online Master’s in Finance, students should analyze their personal time commitments against the requirements of the program. They should also take into consideration the school’s policies towards admissions and credit transfers.