Accredited accounting degree programs in Wisconsin serve an important goal. These programs prepare students for careers working in the financial departments of major corporations, working for nonprofit organizations, doing personal taxes and in other types of positions. While several schools in the state offer undergraduate accounting programs, just one university offers a graduate program. This program offers students the chance to gain the classroom hours necessary for taking the certified public accountant examination and with gaining more experience before they go to work in the field. It’s available both on campus and online. If you are interested in online programs, visit Top 10 Most Affordable Online Master of Finance Degree Programs 2015. Learn more about this program before you file an application to start classes.

University of Wisconsin Whitewater

College of Business and Economics

The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater operated for a number of years before becoming part of the University of Wisconsin School System. Established in 1868 as the Whitewater Normal School, it helped hundreds of students understand the importance of educating others and with learning tips that would help them in the classroom. It changed its name to Whitewater Teachers College after the state granted it the right to award degrees. The University of Wisconsin later brought the school into its system, which led to it changing its name once again. Students often refer to it as UW-Whitewater today.

Master of Professional Accountancy

UW-Whitewater offers a Master of Professional Accountancy program, which is the largest in the entire state. Listed as one of the top accredited accounting degree programs in Wisconsin because of its high completion rate, it also has a high percentage of students who pass the CPA exam on their first attempt. Those applying to the program must take the GMAT or the GRE and submit their scores as part of the application. Students who did not take accounting and business courses in college may need to take up to 17 credits of courses before starting the program. The program consists of 30 credit hours of work, which include required courses on taxation, intermediate accounting, auditing and business law. Students will also need to select a few electives to finish their studies. This allows students to take courses that apply to careers in health care, corporate finance, nonprofit management and business taxation. The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater also asks that all students maintain a GPA of 3.0 in all their classes to remain in the program.


  • Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB)


809 W. Starin Road
Whitewater, WI 53190
(262) 472-1344

Accounting is about more than just numbers. Professionals working in this field must have a clear understanding of legal issues, knowledge of business practices and the ability to lead others. Gaining all those skills is easy when you enroll in one of the accredited accounting degree programs in Wisconsin and complete an undergraduate and graduate degree.