If the only thing stopping you from earning a finance degree is the time it takes, look at some of the accredited online finance degree programs in Mississippi. Designed for those who have personal and professional commitments, these programs let you earn your degree as you take classes during breaks from work and when you have time at home. You’ll learn more about capital markets, making investments on behalf of your clients, creating budgets and even local and federal laws. Mississippi offers finance degree programs that are open to residents of the state and students living in other states too.

Mississippi College

School of Business

Located in Clinton, Mississippi College is just a short drive away from the major city of Jackson. Its location is one of the reasons why the state decided to build a new college there. Founded in 1827 as the Hamstead Academy, it later went by the name of Mississippi College. Just a few years after the campus open, it officially became Mississippi College and switched from introductory courses to college classes. The college later became affiliated with the Mississippi Baptist Convention, and while that affiliation still exists, Mississippi College accepts students of all denominations into its many degree programs.

Master of Business Administration in Finance

One of the top accredited online finance degree programs in Mississippi is the Master of Business Administration in Finance available through Mississippi College. The college offers a traditional MBA program and lets students earn a joint degree, but it also allows MBA students to pick a concentration in either finance or accounting. New students must submit an undergrad transcript that shows they took classes in auditing, business laws and ethics, marketing, financial accounting and other topics. Those who do not have a foundation in these courses may need to take each one before starting the MBA program. If you opt for the finance concentration, you will take six core MBA courses and four advance finance courses for a total of 30 credit hours. Core MBA courses cover topics like financial management, making decisions on the global level, accounting for business purposes and laws and ethics. Mississippi College requires that finance majors take classes on advanced investments and financial markets too.


  • Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB)


200 S. Capital St.
Clinton, MS 39056
(601) 925-3000

With an advanced finance degree, you might work as a comptroller, in the accounting department of a major Fortune 500 company or in other finance professions. Before you imagine yourself working in one of those positions though, you need to enroll in one of the accredited online finance degree programs in Mississippi.

Related Resource: Top 10 Most Affordable Online MBA in Finance Degree Programs 2015