Accredited online accounting degree programs in Florida give you the chance to work on an accounting degree without ever stepping foot outside of your living room. To become a certified public accountant in Florida or another state, you need to take a licensing exam, but you can also sit for that exam once you complete five years of school. This includes the four years it takes to finish a bachelor’s degree and at least one year of graduate study. Once you complete an online degree program, you’ll feel confident enough in your skills to take this exam and pass it.

University of West Florida

College of Business

Founded in 1963, the University of West Florida is part of the State University System of Florida and a research institute that encourages students to do independent research projects. During its early years, it served as a senior college. Students completed courses at other colleges in Florida and transferred to this university to finish their degrees. Also called UWF, the university later became a more traditional college and introduced courses for freshmen and sophomores. UWF, which some people call West Florida, also designed an online system that serves as a modern version of its distance education program.

MBA in Accounting

Though there is only one accredited online accounting degree program in Florida, the one offered by the University of West Florida lets you meet the steps for taking the CPA exam. It has a Master of Business in Accounting program that is a type of online MBA program. Picking an emphasis or concentration in accounting lets you take specialized courses on corporate tax and advanced auditing. The auditing class looks at both internal and external auditing, and the corporate tax class goes over the tax breaks and special programs open to corporations. You must also take a seminar class on financial accounting. The program includes 27 credits of core business courses too, including business and public policy, business process integration, advanced managerial economics and management and organizational behavior. UFW charges a flat tuition rate for each class that you take, which helps keep costs down and make enrolling in the program more affordable for online students when compared to the cost of the traditional program.


Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB)


11000 University Pkwy.

Pensacola, FL 32514

(850) 474-2000

When you decide to go back to college, you might worry about how you can handle your job, family and other commitments while still making time for your education. With accredited online accounting degree programs in Florida, you no longer need to worry because you can complete your studies at home and at work.

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