Though you might think that you need to rearrange your schedule or take some time off work just to get your accounting license, accredited online accounting degree programs in Mississippi can help you earn the degree needed to get that license in less time than you ever expected. Instead of spending a few years in school, you can use your undergrad accounting degree to show that you have the knowledge needed to enter a program that you can finish in 15 months or less. Jackson State University offers a great MBA program with a concentration in accounting that you can complete online.

Jackson State University

JSU Online

Jackson State University, also called Jackson State and JSU, is an institution of higher learning in the Mississippi city of the same name. Founded in 1877, it had an early affiliation with the American Baptist Home Mission Society of New York City, which wanted to establish a college of higher learning for black students. It is one of the oldest historically all black colleges in Mississippi today. Both Forbes and Washington Monthly ranked JSU as one of the top colleges in the United States. U.S. News & World Report also ranked it as one of the top 20 historically all black colleges in the country.

MBA Online in Accounting

Though you may not have many options when it comes to finding accredited online accounting degree programs in Mississippi, the MBA program that JSU offers appeals to those living in Mississippi as well as students from other states. Only professors currently working for the university’s College of Business can teach the online classes that students must take. As a full-time student, you can earn your degree in a single year. JSU requires that you take five semesters of classes that last for eight weeks. If you have an undergrad degree in another subject area, you will need to take some prerequisite courses ahead of time. This program includes classes that look at topics relating to business, accounting, finance and management. Those courses include managerial marketing, managerial accounting, human relations and organizational behavior, statistics for business decisions and advanced production and operation management. JSU requires that you take a seminar on business policy in your final semester of study.


Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB)


1400 John R. Lynch St.

Jackson, MS 39217

(601) 979-2121

Thanks to JSU Online, you can now earn a degree from a great university without actually taking classes in Jackson or visiting the university even once. Check out what you need to do to apply to this program, which is the highest ranked of all accredited online accounting degree programs in Mississippi, today.

Related Resource: 50 Great Small Colleges for an Accounting and Finance Degree 2017