If you want to become a certified public accountant, it’s beneficial to seek out accredited accounting degree programs in Missouri. It’s particularly worth considering your options for Master of Accounting degree programs. While there are bookkeepers and accountants who only hold associate’s degrees and bachelor’s degrees, it’s rare for associate’s and bachelor’s degree graduates to be competitive in obtaining the top-paying corporate and government accounting jobs. There’s increasingly strong demand for knowledgeable, well-educated corporate accountants with advanced credentials including a master’s degree and professional certification. Let’s explore your options for earning your master’s degree in accounting while studying in the state of Missouri.

University of Missouri at St. Louis

College of Business Administration

The University of Missouri’s College of Business Administration educates both graduate and undergraduate students. The department confers MBA degrees, specialized master’s degrees and doctoral degrees. They also offer graduate-level business certificates in courses of study such as cybersecurity, business intelligence, marketing management and social media marketing. The school has earned a prestigious dual accreditation from the Association to Advance College Schools of Business in the disciplines of business and accounting. This is an achievement that few business schools have accomplished. Past graduates from this department have been winners of the Elijah Watts Sells award, which honors students who achieve outstanding success on their CPA exams.

Master of Accounting (MAcc)

If you’re searching for accredited accounting degree programs in Missouri that offer evening classes, consider enrolling in the MAcc program at the University of Missouri’s College of Business Administration. Most of the students enrolled in this degree program work full time, so the class scheduling is suitable for working professionals.

This degree program will teach you the principles of accounting and auditing in depth. Topics you’ll study include managerial accounting, income taxes, statistical analysis, law, ethics, marketing, management information systems and many others. You’ll also have the opportunity to learn about fraud examination, systems auditing, managerial communications and professional accounting research if you choose. Earning your M.Acc. degree would satisfy the state of Missouri’s academic eligibility requirements necessary for enrolling in the state’s Certified Public Accountant (CPA) examination.

Provided you meet the other qualifications to become a CPA, passing this exam allows you to qualify for CPA status in the state of Missouri. You’ll also have to have a valid US social security number, and you’ll have to either be a Missouri resident or have a job or business in Missouri.


  • Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB)


University of Missouri-St. Louis

One University Boulevard

350 JC Penney North

St. Louis, MO 63121




Washington University in St. Louis

Olin Business School

The Olin Business School confers both graduate and undergraduate degrees in a variety of business-centered disciplines. If you’re looking for accredited accounting degree programs in Missouri, Olin Business School’s offerings are worth considering. Their programs include both full-time and part-time MBA tracks as well as specialized master’s, PhD and other professional degrees. If you know you want to pursue the maximum amount of education possible, you may wish to enroll in a combined MBA/J.D program. Possible PhD concentrations include accounting, finance, business economics, marketing and others. This institution also confers Doctor of Business Administration degrees in finance.

US News has ranked the Olin school of Business at number 21 on their 2018 list of Best Business Schools: Graduate Schools. Want to apply to this school? US News also has an article featuring insiders’ tips on how to get accepted to the Olin Business School.

Master of Accounting

Olin Business School’s Master of Accounting degree is an 18-month graduate program with a 96 percent success rate for job placements after graduation. This three-semester accounting degree program prepares students for corporate or government accounting careers. If you decide to take part in this program, you’ll study a diverse range of topics including tax and business strategy; fraud prevention; accounting policy and research; and business analysis. This master’s degree program prepares you to enroll to take the state of Missouri’s CPA examination. Graduates of this degree program are likely to pursue employment in fields such as financial services, public or corporate accounting or consulting.


  • Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB)


Washington University

Olin Business School

Forsyth and Olympian Way

Simon Hall, Room 5

St. Louis, MO 63130

(314) 935-7301



If you want to study accounting at a highly respected, accredited institution in the state of Missouri, these master’s degree programs are the ones you’ll want to look at. Job market analysts at the US Department of Labor Statistics Job predict that employment opportunities for accountants in all states in the USA are likely to be most favorable for candidates who hold master’s degrees and professional certifications. So if you want to have your pick of the most lucrative, interesting and all-around best accounting jobs, it’s worthwhile to enroll in one of these accredited accounting degree programs in Missouri.

Related Resource: The 30 Best Master of Finance Degree Programs