For nearly all businesses and organizations, accounting is a vital part to effective operation and those seeking a career in this field should look into accredited online accounting degree programs in Nebraska. Professionals working in the accounting field assess and maintain financial information, compile and adjust budgets, compose expenditure reports, and other related tasks for organizations. There is a large demand for accounting professionals in nearly all areas of today’s marketplace. An array of accounting companies call Nebraska home, including HSMC Orizon, Lutz and Company, Hancock & Dana PC, Seim Johnson, and Schleisman Onken & Associates. High quality accounting degree programs are available in Nebraska to prepare individuals for careers in this dynamic field.

University of Nebraska Omaha

Graduate Studies and College of Business Administration

The College of Business Administration is committed to preparing students to become successful and socially responsible professionals. Its programs feature a strong curriculum that enables students to demonstrate their knowledge and ability by collaborating with members of the community. It strives to help students develop a sense of understanding of today’s complex business world. The college offers accredited online accounting degree programs in Nebraska. The Military Times ranked the College of Business Administration number one business school in the nation for military veterans.

Master of Accounting

The Master of Accounting is intended for students seeking advanced accounting knowledge to pursue upper level positions in the field. The program features intensive and extensive professional preparation and provides students with broad-based education for careers in public, private, and nonprofit accounting organizations. Students must complete a minimum of 30 credit hours, including 15 credit hours of accounting core courses, six hours of contemporary business environment courses, and nine hours of elective courses. The core courses include principles of accounting, principles of economics, principles of business statistics, basic federal income taxation, intermediate financial accounting, intermediate managerial accounting, and principles of auditing. Students must also select from four concentration areas: generalist, financial reporting and auditing, strategic management accounting, and information analysis. The concentrations require the completion of various core courses and designated elective courses. A comprehensive examination is also required for graduation.


Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB)


University of Nebraska Omaha

College of Business Administration

Mammel Hall Suite 300

6708 Pine Street

Omaha, NE 68182


A solid accounting department is the key to success of nearly all businesses and organizations, and successful accounting professionals are the backbone of these departments. Finishing a master’s degree in accounting is an ideal choice for those seeking to pursue advanced positions. Individuals looking at educational options should consider accredited online accounting degree programs in Nebraska.

Related Resource: The 25 Most Affordable Online Master of Finance Degree Programs