Online Associates in Finance Degrees

Individuals who aspire to work in finance but can’t attend college on campus often wonder if Associates in Finance degrees are available online. They’re often pleased to hear that not only are these associate degrees offered on the Web but that they’re offered at several colleges, and they offer the same type of education the student would get in an on-campus program. Uncertain how these associate degrees in finance programs work? Get all the facts here.

Why Get an Associates in Finance Degree?

The ideal student for a finance program is one who enjoys mathematics, as well as interacting with people as clients. One of the excellent facets of work in finance is that the job doesn’t always occur in a single office space. Finance managers, financial analysts, and personal financial advisors often work in multiple environments with customers or business clients. A degree in finance is ideal for anyone who loves business but isn’t interested in the ultra-traditional business environment.

Finance degrees are also a wonderful option for students who aren’t yet sure where they might want to work in the field of business. Finance touches on so many essential subjects within the business world that a degree may lead to work in many diverse areas. One graduate might work in financial accounting for a major Fortune 500 company, and another graduate might open his or her own business as a personal financial advisor.

Earning an associates in finance is also the perfect way to begin a college career without the absolute need to earn a bachelor’s degree. For some students, an associates degree offers just enough information to launch a career. For others, an associates-level education is just a jumping-off point for further study in a bachelor’s degree program. Starting with an associates in finance may lead to a bachelor’s degree program in business, accounting, finance, or any one of several interesting business areas.

Finding an Accredited or Respected Degree in Finance

One of the important facets of choosing a college degree program is finding one that will offer the student the best chance of future career success. Any student who wants to enter an associates in finance program and then continue in a bachelor’s degree program will want to enroll in a fully accredited program.

This means finding a program accredited by one of the commissions approved by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation and the United States Department of Education. Those commissions include the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, the New England Commission of Higher Education, and the Middle States Commission on Higher Education.

Even if a student is quite sure he or she only wishes to complete the associate program and has no wish to earn further degrees, finding a respected and accredited associates in finance degree online will ensure the student is able to enjoy high-quality instruction and online learning. Enrolling in an accredited program is vital for any student who wishes to earn a finance certification.

Those certifications include the following.

  • Certified Financial Planner (CFP)
  • Certified Management Accountant (CMA)
  • Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC)
  • Certified Investment Management Analyst (CIMA)

These certifications are just some of the finance certifications available to students who complete their finance degrees from an accredited institution. Certification may not only lead to more prestige in one’s job, but it may also lead to career advancement, increased pay, and greater job satisfaction. It’s important to research finance certifications before entering college to make sure the student’s chosen program includes the classes required for his or her preferred certification type.

Technology Requirements for Associate in Finance Degrees Online

Are Associates in Finance Degrees Available Online?

The primary difference in earning a degree online versus earning a traditional degree on campus is the fact that the student must use his or her own equipment when attending virtual classes. Not only must students have their own computer on which to complete work, but they must also have a place where they can complete their work. Some students can work in an environment as simple as a kitchen, but other students may need the solitude of a traditional desk.

One of the perks of some online degree programs is that enrollment comes with a free computer on which to complete assignments. For students who worry about the cost of attending an online college, buying a computer may feel too expensive. Fortunately, there are online programs that offer students their own computer, and there are also budget-friendly computers available at major retailers that have a price tag of less than $200.00.

For the truly dedicated student who must count every penny he or she spends, it may even be possible to visit a local public library to use the computers there for school work. In some cases, online degree programs that come from colleges that have a brick-and-mortar facility will allow their online students to use the on-campus library. Students who live close enough to their college may be able to use the campus to complete their classes and assignments even if they’re not enrolled in traditional classes.

Strategies for Maximum Finance Career Advancement

College offers the future graduate so many different paths from which to choose, from immediate entry into the workforce after graduation to the start of a long career at a university that may eventually culminate with a doctoral-level degree in finance or a professional law degree. To maximize career opportunities with an associates in finance degree, there are some strategies available to make the most of the degree program.

Work part-time while earning an online finance degree. Having a few years of experience as a banker or other entry-level finance professional can go a long way in helping a new graduate find higher-paying work than might be available with no work experience.

Find a financial analyst or financial industry mentor. There is so much to learn in the world of finance that goes beyond the classroom. Some colleges offer mentoring opportunities, as well as internships, that may help a new graduate jump into his or her career with a greater level of workplace knowledge than a degree alone.

Are Associates in Finance Degrees Available Online?

Apply for tuition reimbursement from a future or present employer. Many companies encourage their employees to further their education and offer tuition reimbursement for programs that are directly related to an employee’s current job. It may be helpful to only apply for jobs with companies that offer tuition reimbursement.

What are Internet Programs Like?

Programs taught over the Internet, often referred to as distance learning, are academic programs that students complete over the Internet rather than in a brick-and-mortar college. These programs are becoming more popular and more widely used because they give the student the option of earning a degree without having to attend college on campus every day. For many students, distance learning makes it possible to attend college because they’re able to earn a degree while continuing to work at their jobs.

Some distance learning programs are 100 percent over the Internet while others, called hybrid programs, offer some online-based courses and some on campus. Internet programs often give students the choice of asynchronous and synchronous classes. A student in a distance learning program logs into the school’s website to communicate with instructors or obtain assignments and learning materials. They have to participate in Web discussions and projects or may work remotely. Other methods used include private messages, email, podcasts, streaming videos, chat rooms, forums and discussion boards.

Associates in Finance Programs & Curriculum

Associate’s in Finance distance learning programs are offered at several colleges throughout the nation. Some programs cannot be 100 percent online because the curriculum may require an internship for hands-on experience. Fortunately for finance students, finance is a theory-based program that does not require practical experience, which is why it’s an ideal program for distance learning.

While associate degree programs generally take two years to complete, students enrolled in a distance learning program may complete them quicker or take longer if necessary. Depending on the program and school, the credits earned in the associates program may be transferred to a bachelor’s degree program. Some finance associate degree programs offered through distance learning include the following.

  • Associate of Business Administration in Finance
  • Associate of Applied Science in Finance Management
  • Associate of Applied Science in Business Management – Banking and Finance
  • Associate in Science in Business Administration

Students will complete courses in professional writing, economic analysis, accounting, management, financial accounting, cash management, marketing and business communication.

Some of the business-related topics students may study while in an associates in finance program include business contracts, business statistics, operations management, and entrepreneurship. Other classes may include business analytics and business management. Accounting classes are usually a prime component of finance programs, too, and students may take classes in management accounting, accounting, financial accounting, taxation, and auditing.

As for classes in finance, some of the classes an associates program include the following.

  • Financial Management
  • Technology in Finance
  • Finance for Nonprofits
  • Corporate Finance
  • Financial Reporting
  • Individual Investment

It’s worth looking through the expected curriculum of an associates in finance program to see if the program caters to the type of financial information that interests the student. One program may focus on individual investments, and another might be geared more toward business finance. A student’s career goals will influence which program may offer the best results.

An associates in finance is a very popular option for students who will eventually continue their education in a graduate degree program. Master of Business Administration (MBA) students commonly have bachelor’s degrees in finance when they apply. Similarly, aspiring law students often apply to law school with some type of degree in finance.

The best part is that a student doesn’t need to enter an advanced degree program immediately after graduating and may wait a few years after earning an associates in finance before entering college again. Some advanced degree programs like MBAs even encourage students to gain some real-world experience before applying for the program.

Career Outlook for Graduates of Finance Associate Degree Programs

Are Associates in Finance Degrees Available Online?

Work in finance is available at every level of the business world, from small business jobs to corporate employment. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), managers in the world of finance can make up to $129,890 per year, which equals $62.45 per hour. In addition, the BLS also reveals that the job outlook is particularly rosy for finance managers with a 15 percent job growth expected in the next decade, which is considered much faster than the national average for all jobs.

Associate in finance degree holders who choose to eventually complete a bachelor’s degree may eventually qualify for these management-level finance jobs and may want to inquire with their employers about receiving financial assistance to return to college. Another option for finance graduates is working as a personal financial advisor where the BLS expects great job growth.

Another finance occupation that the BLS expects to see positive growth in is the job of the personal financial advisor, where median pay is an impressive $87,850 per year or $42.24 per hour. Personal financial advisors often undergo long-term training while employed, which means an associates in finance graduate may be able to work up to the level of personal financial advisor after spending some time at an investment firm or other similar business.

Most of the more than 260,000 people in the United States who work as personal financial advisors work for one of five different types of business environments. Those environments include insurance carriers, self-employed businesses, credit intermediation companies, and large-scale business enterprises. According to the Occupational Outlook Handbook of the BLS, almost 60 percent of financial advisors work for financial investment in areas like commodity contracts and securities.

Finance is a growing field and one that continues to prosper as the economy grows stronger. The Associates in Finance degree is a great option for individuals who want to work in finance and don’t wish to spend several years in college. Having associates in finance degrees available online make earning an education easier while allowing the student to continue working and meeting other obligations.

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