If you have been considering going back to school, you may be wondering if there are any accredited finance degree programs in Wyoming. The truth is, you can certainly find a top notch education in finance when you choose to focus on the Cowboy State. When most people think of Wyoming, they think of the gorgeous national parks, wide reaching ranches and the state with the lowest population in the country. Though all of those things are true, Wyoming also offers an excellent opportunity for those looking for an accredited master’s degree in finance.

University of Wyoming

College of Business

Since 1899, the College of Business at the University of Wyoming has been educating business professionals. Over 1300 students are enrolled in the college and both graduate and undergraduate programs are offered. Though things have certainly changed in business over the last century, the dedication of the college to their students remains the same. There is a strong tradition of excellence and the school is internationally known for their contributions to the way students are taught. The schools not only teaches the skills needed to succeed, they also encouraged students through service and real world experience.

Master of Science in Finance

Students who choose to take on the MS degree in finance that is offered by the College of Business will receive excellent training that goes well beyond the foundations of management and business. Students who enter into the graduate level finance program will need to have a background in finance and a bachelors degree in finance or in a related field. Students are required to take a number of coursed including Banking Management, Applied Econometrics, Corporate Governance and Investment Management. Students will also be required to take a seminar in financial theory.
In order to successfully graduate with a master’s degree in finance, students will need to take a minimum of 30 credit hours and write a research paper or take 26 credit hours and write a thesis. Upon graduation, students will most often find work in large corporations, though others will work in smaller businesses, as contractors, for the government or further their education by earning a Ph.D. from another accredited institution.


  • Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.

University of Wyoming
College of Business
1000 E University Ave
Dept 3275
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-4194
Email: business@uwyo.edu
Website: http://www.uwyo.edu/econfin/graduate/mastersinfinance.html

Though there is only one program available in Wyoming for those seeking out an accredited master’s degree in finance, you can have confidence that it is an excellent choice. This is an internationally recognized program and ideal for anyone looking for an accredited master of finance degree program in Wyoming.