There are a lot of options when it comes to Master of Accounting online degree programs in Arizona; from general degrees to degrees with a variety of concentrations, there is a program that’s perfect for everyone, regardless of their career goals. But in order to make a decision on which school is the perfect fit, students must take the time to find the school that matches their online education needs. The school below is dedicated to preparing students to become master accountants in a variety of concentrations, most notably managerial accounting, and has a world-class reputation as a school of choice for ambitious accounting students.

Arizona State University

W.P. Carey School of Business

The W.P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University is one of the top five business schools in the nation as ranked by U.S. News and World Report; it is also home to thousands of students and a world-class faculty that represents six continents and a variety of experiences in the professional world. This school confers over 45 degrees at the undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate and executive levels, with the department earning AACSB certification for its excellent and comprehensive curriculum and its real-world experiences that are offered to every student. This department allows students to choose their own college experience to ensure that they can pursue whatever career they choose.

MBA in Managerial Accounting

One of the best Master of Accounting online degree programs in Arizona can be found right here at ASU; the MBA in Managerial Accounting is a way for students to earn a high-value degree while also specializing in managerial accounting, a career that’s projected to grow 11 percent to 2024. This online program is the same as the school’s traditional on-campus program and offers the same curriculum, taught by the same renown faculty, with all the flexibility and quality that an online student has come to expect. The program starts in either January or August and is taught course concurrent with team projects and online lab simulations to help students put into practice the graduate skills they learn through asynchronous courses. This degree requires 60 credit hours of coursework and team projects; sample courses include strategic management, statistics for managers, and operations and supply management.


  • Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB)


450 E. Lemon St., MCRD 350

P.O. Box 874906

Tempe, AZ 85287-4906

(866) 815-3081

Students who are interested in becoming accountants know that one of the first steps they take is an undergraduate education; for those who pursue graduate education, the career paths are endless. That’s why understanding the differences between Master of Accounting online degree programs in Arizona will not only help students find the right school for their needs, it will also help them craft the career they want.