Opportunities are growing for a trained accountant with professional credentials, and even in the smallest state in the U.S. you can take advantage of these opportunities with one of the accredited accounting degree programs in Rhode Island. Though Rhode Island has eight different schools that offer accounting degrees, not all of them offer online accreditation and the opportunity to receive a master’s degree. One institution in Rhode Island appears to be the perfect university for any student thanks to all the programs it offers and their available accreditation online.

The University of Rhode Island

The University of Rhode Island is the public land and sea grant university that offers students major research and learning. This university is the only public institution in Rhode Island that has undergraduate, graduate, and professional education, with 80 undergraduate and 49 graduate areas of study. The University of Rhode Island’s faculty and staff offer strong values in creativity, diversity, engaged learning, ethical leadership, and respect with a goal to ensure all students reach their fullest potential in learning and leadership in the field of their choice.

Master of Science in Accounting

The Master of Science (M.S.) in Accounting at the University of Rhode Island is a program for students that have the educational background and professional experience to enter the field of accounting. This course of study provides a fifth year of conceptual, theoretical, and technical education in accounting, finance, and analytics. This program has one part that offers knowledge of business and accounting through courses that can be waived for students with undergraduate or MBA equivalents, and a second part that teaches students how to build on their theoretical foundation and knowledge of accounting principles and techniques. During this time, students will also choose an area of specialization in financial reporting and auditing or taxation. Any student that finishes this program will graduate with a strong business and accounting foundation as well as a necessary technical background that leaves them with an excellent ability to perform well as a professional in any accounting field.


  • Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business International (AACSB)
  • NEASC accredited institution.


45 Upper College Rd

Kingston, RI 02881




Related Resource: The 30 Best Master of Finance Degree Programs

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Rhode Island is expected to receive great job growth for accountants through 2020, and this job growth is even faster than the national average. Many high-growth accountant firms in Rhode Island hire accounting graduates as financial planners, accountants, and auditors with average salaries of $70,120 per year. Becoming a graduate and earning these positions is very possible thanks to the accredited accounting degree programs in Rhode Island.