Finance and Accounting Degrees offered at Colorado State University-Global Campus


Colorado State University-Global Campus appears in our ranking of the 50 Best Online Master of Finance Degree Programs.

At Colorado State University-Global Campus (CSU-Global), they have a variety of online-only undergraduate and graduate programs from which to choose. Many students are enrolled in the finance or accounting degrees they offer, which can help students learn more about finances, accounting, and everything in between, giving them an excellent career.

Undergraduate degree options include a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting, Bachelor’s degree in Business Management, or the Degree Specialization in Foundations of Accounting. All degrees are earned online.

The Bachelor’s in Accounting helps students learn to prepare, confirm, and analyze financial documents, including tax documents. Students also learn how to maintain/organize financial records, and learn how to find ways to reduce costs while improving profits for their company. Students will also learn more about leadership, ethics, legal compliance, and more, all while utilizing the convenience and flexibility of an online degree.

The Bachelor’s degree in Business Management can help students develop practical business knowledge and develop leadership skills. While not a finance degree altogether, this degree does touch on management, operations, marketing, finance, statistics, economics, and international management.

Colorado State University-Global Campus also offers a degree specialization called Foundations of Accounting. With this specialization, students can choose to earn a Bachelor’s degree in almost any area with a specialty in Accounting, which gives them more opportunities for advancement in their career and the ability to work in many other industries or fields. Students can also choose any other specialization along with their Bachelor’s in Accounting or Business Management, as well.

CSU-Global also offers graduate degree options, all taken online. Their online master’s degree in Finance teaches students about developing a business relationship, assessing financial statuses, gathering data, calculating debt repayment schedules, and much more.

They also offer a Master’s degree in Professional Accounting for students who wish to become CPAs. As a Certified Professional Accountant, students can work with organizations or as independents and can learn how to reduce costs, improve profits, and learn about new laws and regulations in the financial world.

CSU-Global includes specializations in accounting and finance, as well. Students can choose to take a specialization program along with earning their Master’s degree. Many students choose to earn a Master’s degree in Accounting while specializing in Finance or vice-versa.

About Colorado State University-Global Campus

Colorado State University-Global Campus was launched in 2007 and is the first non-profit, statutorily-defined, online state university available in the United States. Their first class held 200 graduates in 2008, and they have currently graduated more than 10,000 students. Their current population is 18,000 students.

They do not offer any traditional degree programs and choose to focus on offering online-only degrees and programs. Their goal is to provide career-focused and authoritative degree/certificate programs to those who want a more adaptive environment or require non-traditional higher education.

Colorado State University-Global Campus Accreditation Details

Accreditation is only awarded to colleges and universities that do what they claim and promise for students and is awarded by an external, independent auditing group. These auditors inspect all the processes and aspects of the institution before determining if accreditation is awarded. Regional accreditation is different than national accreditation, and regionally-accredited schools tend to be coveted most by students. It means that the school went through a peer-reviewed and comprehensive process to ensure a high standard of quality. Many online schools do not get such highly regarded accreditation.

Colorado State University-Global Campus business programs are accredited by the ACBSP (Accreditation Council for Business Schools/Programs). CSU-Global’s ACBSP-accredited programs include B.S. in Accounting, M.S. in Management, B.S. in Business Management, Master of International Management, B.S. in Management Information Systems/Business Analytics, B.S. in Marketing, Master of Professional Accounting, B.S. in Human Resource Management, Master in Human Resource Management, and Master in Finance.

In 2016, the IACHLC (Institutional Actions Council of the Higher Learning Commission) chose to continue accreditation of CSU-Global; their next accreditation reaffirmation is for the 2025-26 school year.

Colorado State University-Global Campus Application Requirements

Before students can attend CSU-Global, they must apply and be admitted. The requirements for Bachelor and Master’s degrees and certificates can vary.

Those who want to earn a Bachelor’s degree must have completed high school or equivalent and have fewer than 13 transferable credits from college, an ACT score of 20+ or SAT score of 1000+, and a GPA (high school) of 3.2+. If students do not meet the requirements, they can send a resume with their professional experience, complete online assessments, and submit their statement of purpose. Students must also take four courses before anything else and agree to all other terms.

Primarily, CSU-Global offers degree/certificate programs to those who already have college experience. Students wanting to earn a Bachelor’s degree must graduate high school or equivalent, have over 12 transferable credits from an accredited college and have a GPA of 2.3 or higher. If students don’t meet these requirements, they can still be accepted on a provisional basis.

Students who want to earn a Master’s degree must have earned a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited college and maintain a GPA of 3.00, though provisional admission is available.

Regardless of degree or certificate program desired, students should submit their application (found online), as well as a statement of purpose, professional resume with all employment and college work, and take an assessment.

Tuition and Financial Aid

CSU-Global offers fixed tuition rates to make it easier for students to earn their degrees while working. Typical undergraduate degrees cost about $10,500 with 90 transfer credits, $21,000 with 60 transfer credits, and $31,500 with 30 transfer credits. Graduate degrees cost about $18,000 with 36 credits and $19,500 with 39 credits.

Financial aid is available to those who qualify, and students can include scholarships, loans, grants, and employee reimbursement. Along with such, Colorado State University-Global Campus offers institutional scholarships to students who have worked hard, maintained their GPA, or earned their Bachelor’s degree at CSU-Global, ensuring that any student can get help paying for their college education through the school and other means.