
Fort Hays State University Finance and Accounting Degrees

Fort Hays State University appears in our ranking of the 50 Best Online Master of Finance Degree Programs.

Fort Hays State University offers undergraduate degrees in accounting and finance, as well as minors, certificates, and graduate degrees in those areas. The university offers several concentrations in accounting and finance, as well as unique degree options like the dual-degree program that offers a Bachelor of Business Administration that rewards degrees in finance and accounting. Most of the university’s finance and accounting degrees are offered via on-campus delivery as well as online delivery. The concentration a student chooses for his or her degree program may influence whether it will be available online or whether an on-campus residency will be required.

For example, the university’s Bachelor of Business Administration with a Major in Accounting is available via online study and on campus, but the Bachelor of Business Administration Degree with a Major in Accounting with a Public Accounting concentration is available only on campus. Similarly, the B.B.A. degrees in Finance vary on whether the university offers them on campus and online or solely through on-campus study. Finance majors with no concentration and Finance majors with a concentration in Banking may attend classes online or on campus, but Finance majors who concentrate in Economics or Financial Planning can only earn their degree on campus.

One of the unique degrees at Fort Hays State University is the dual-degree program where students may pursue study in accounting and finance at the same time. After completing courses in general education, students will divide their time between business classes, accounting classes, and finance classes, as well as classes in a chosen concentration. The available concentrations in the dual degree program are Economics, Banking, or Financial Planning and are related to the portion of study for the finance degree. Classes taken in the program include Cost Accounting, Intermediate Accounting I, Fundamentals of Investments, Quantitative Methods, and additional classes related to the student’s chosen concentration.

Students interested in studying at the graduate level have two options with the Master of Business Administration (MBA) program or the 5-year program that combines a Bachelor of Business Administration and an MBA. Students will take several business classes in the MBA program, as well as nine credits in their concentration of Accounting or Finance. Students who choose the Finance option may attend classes online or on campus, but students who choose the Accounting concentration must pursue their MBA on the campus of Fort Hays State University.

About Fort Hays State University

Fort Hays State University was founded in 1902 as one of the remote branches of Kansas State Normal School, which was a teacher training college. The university was designed to provide higher education to settlers in the region and was built on a portion of the military reservation in Hays, Kansas. The motto of the school is “Forward Thinking, World Ready,” and the school is a public and coeducational institution. The rural campus covers approximately 200 acres and has expanded its original focus of agricultural education to a school offering a wide variety of four-year degrees. The official colors of the school are black and gold, and students who play on the school’s sports teams do so as the Tigers alongside a mascot named Victor E. Tiger.

Fort Hays State University Accreditation Details

The Higher Learning Commission in Chicago, Illinois is the regional accrediting agency responsible for accrediting Fort Hays State University, and the university is fully accredited until 2023. At that time, the university will undergo a reaffirmation of its accreditation status. The university also offers several programs with specialized program accreditations. Accreditations for various programs have been secured from the American Chemical Society, the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Programs, the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, and the Council on Social Work Education, as well as several other organizations. The university is also accredited by the Kansas State Board of Education and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the National Security Administration.

Fort Hays State University Application Requirements

First-year applicants to Fort Hays State University must complete a series of recommended classes in high school and achieve a minimum 2.0 GPA on those classes. Students must also meet at least one further requirement including an ACT composite score of at least 21, an SAT score of at least 980 or a rank in the top third of the student’s high school graduating class. Students applying from out-of-state must meet a higher threshold for their high school curriculum and have at least a 2.5 for their cumulative GPA. Home-schooled students and students who have earned a GED are also eligible for entry into the university. Entry into the university’s graduate school is similar but requires a bachelor’s degree rather than a high school diploma, as well as an average GPA of at least 2.5 for the last 60 credits of the student’s college career.

Tuition and Financial Aid

Tuition at Fort Hays State University is $5,132.70 for residents, $7,131.60 for neighboring states, and $15,201.60 for non-residents. Room and board is $7,994 for all students who choose to live on campus. Per credit hour, students will pay an average of $171.09 if they live in the state, $237.72 if they live in a neighboring state, or $506.72 if they are a non-resident. Graduate tuition for students living on campus is $237.00 if they’re residents, $336.58 if they’re from neighboring states, or $605.06 if they’re non-residents. The Virtual MBA and DNP programs are $400 per credit. It’s estimated that students will pay between $2,13.00 to $3,600.00 per semester for graduate school with the amount depending on the student’s residency status.

Students may apply for and receive many types of aid from Fort Hays State University including grants, loans, scholarships, student employment, and military education benefits. According to the university, most students qualify for more than one type of financial aid. Oklahoma students are eligible for a variety of scholarships from the university, and students from Wyoming, Texas, Virginia, and Arizona are also eligible for tuition scholarships. Grants may come from federal and state government sources while loans may come from federal sources and private entities. Students interested in attending one of the programs from the Department of Economics, Finance, and Accounting will want to investigate financial aid from a variety of sources to ensure their education at Fort Hays State University is as affordable as possible.