

Accounting and Finance Degree Programs Available from the University of Minnesota – Crookston

The University of Minnesota-Crookston appears in our ranking of the Top 10 Cheap Finance Bachelor’s Degrees Online.

The University of Minnesota – Crookston offers one of the highest ranked online accounting degree programs for undergraduate students, but it also offers other programs suitable for those interested in either accounting or finance. Students who want to study accounting can choose either a major or a minor and enroll in a degree program that is available online and on the Crookston campus. Online students will take classes in a traditional classroom and follow a face to face format, while online students take the same courses over the web.

Both programs require that students complete at least 40 credits of advanced accounting and business courses. They can only receive a “D” grade twice in the program before the university will remove them from the accounting program. Students have the chance to retake those courses to improve their scores too. The university asks that students take both technology and liberal arts classes to complete the requirements to earn a bachelor’s degree. They’ll also take required program classes, including Principles of Accounting, Income Tax, Managerial Accounting, Business Writing and Principles of Management.

Students can study finance at the University of Minnesota – Crookston and earn a bachelor’s degree in finance too. They will take a minimum of 120 credits, which will include 65 credits of required finance courses. The business core includes Principles of Accounting I and II, Principles of Management, Principles of Marketing and the Legal Environment of Business. Finance majors also take 40 credits of required finance courses, including Intermediate Accounting, Business Law and Business Ethics. They will also take Estate Planning, Introduction to Management Information Systems, International Financial Management and Money, Banking and Financial Institutions.

About the University of Minnesota – Crookston

The University of Minnesota – Crookston is a public university that is part of the University of Minnesota system. Crookston was home to an experimental farm established by the state in 1895 that offered classes for farmers. Originally called the Northwest Experiment Station, it would become the Northwest School of Agriculture in 1905 and expand its curriculum to include home economics courses for women. To meet the needs of local students, the University of Minnesota established a college in 1966 called the University of Minnesota Technical Institute. This school offered two-year degree programs and saw nearly 200 students sign up for classes that first year. The two-year institute later became the University of Minnesota Technical College and then the University of Minnesota – Crookston.

To separate the Crookston campus from other branches of the University of Minnesota campuses, it uses the name UMN Crookston. The university now sits near the northern part of the city and is home to a large farm that still offers agriculture students the chance to work in the field. Other departments and places on the campus are home to some of the clubs and organizations that are open to finance and accounting majors. UMN Crookston offers a wide range of opportunities and programs for its more than 1,800 enrolled students.

University of Minnesota – Crookston Accreditation Details

UMN Crookston has regional accreditation from the Higher Learning Commission (HLC). With HLC accreditation, the university can grant students financial aid packages when they start their academic careers and as they take classes each year. This also allows students to transfer credits to a university program such as one of its accounting or finance options. UMN Crookston is also a candidate to receive accreditation from the Accreditation Commission for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP), which will apply to its business, management, finance and accounting programs.

University of Minnesota – Crookston Application Requirements

As UMN Crookston is now a test-optional university, students do not need to provide a standardized test score when they apply. The university offers students the option of providing a score if they think that it will make up for any issues on their transcripts or problems with their applications. Those who never attended college and those who have just a few credits can apply as a freshman. They will submit the paper or online application and their high school transcripts. The university does not charge any type of application fee. If a student earned any college credits in school, he or she will need to provide transcripts to get credit for those courses.

The university allows students who followed a home school curriculum to apply too. Those students will need to supply transcripts that show their grades, which lets the university compare them to other applying students. They will also need to submit a standardized test score. Transfer students will follow the same application steps and make sure that the university receives their official transcripts. UMN Crookston typically makes a final decision within two weeks of getting an application. It will then mail the student a decision letter and information on applying for financial aid. All online students will follow the same steps and get a response just as quickly.

Tuition and Financial Aid

The cost of attending UMN Crookston is $503 per credit hour for part-time Minnesota residents and $1,106 per credit hour for nonresidents. Full-time students pay $6,529 per semester if they live in Minnesota and $14,368 per semester if they are from another state. A reciprocity agreement allows undergrads from nearby states to qualify for the same rate that residents pay. Students will need to provide proof that they live in Minnesota or a surrounding state to get that rate. All online students pay one rate for tuition and another for fees, which will bring their totals to $446 per credit hour.

Accepted students can apply for financial aid and use the FAFSA to get an aid package. UMN Crookston designs packages based on the merit shown in the student’s application and the need shown on the FAFSA. A traditional student taking on-campus courses can qualify for employment, and the university will look for jobs that match the student’s interests and major. Both online and traditional students can get grants and loans as well as scholarships too. Dozens of institutional scholarships and grants go to those who meet academic requirements and other regulations. The University of Minnesota – Crookston allows students interested in accounting and finance degree programs to view its scholarships and grants online.