
Accounting and Finance Programs at Upper Iowa University

Upper Iowa University appears in our ranking of the 50 Best Online Master of Finance Degree Programs.

The Certified Public Accountant (CPA) exam is just one of the exams that accountants can take to get a professional certification in the field. Upper Iowa University offers an undergrad accounting program and a post-graduate certificate program that can help students meet the requirements to take any of these exams. Most tests require that individuals have at least five years of educational experience. Students can major in accounting at Upper Iowa University and finish a post-graduate certificate in five years or less.

Undergrads can earn a degree in accounting through the Upper Iowa University School of Business. This program includes some preparation for those taking the CPA, including study sessions with other students and practice tests that they can take. It also shows students how to read financial statements and analyze those documents. The courses in the program help students understand accounting practices and principles in regards to nonprofit and for-profit accounting too. Some of those courses include Managerial Cost Accounting, Auditing, and Federal Taxation. The university offers the accounting major through some of its educational centers, on its main campus and online.

The university’s post-graduate accounting certificate program is only open to students who already have a graduate degree. It allows business majors and those who majored in other fields to develop a strong understanding of accounting principles and can help them meet some of the requirements to take the CPA test. The program is only available online and includes an elective and four required courses such as Forensic Accounting, Taxation for Corporations and Advanced Accounting Information Systems.

Upper Iowa University also offers a financial management major. Students learn how to work in teams, analyze financial statements and manage the investments of others. This program is available in select countries and from some educational centers as well as online and on the university’s main campus. It includes courses such as Small Business Management, Strategic Management, and Investments.

Students who want to learn more about business and accounting may want to enroll in the university’s Master of Business Administration (MBA) program, which offers a concentration in accounting. Other concentrations include corporate financial management, organizational development, and general management. Students must take both concentration and business management courses, which can include Marketing and Product Management, Team Building Techniques, Managerial Communications, and Training and Development.

About Upper Iowa University

Upper Iowa University is a small private university in Iowa that offers opportunities for international students and those who want to study abroad. Elizabeth and Robert Alexander donated funds to build the university after Elizabeth suggested that the area needed a college. The land and money the family donated helped the college open its doors in 1857. Though enrollment dropped as students left to fight in the Civil War, it increased after the fighting ended. The school also saw an increase in enrollment after World War II and the Vietnam War. This small school would later become Upper Iowa University or UIU.

UIU is unique because it offers so many different educational opportunities for students today. Its distance education program started in the early 1970s and now includes both independent study options and online programs. It operates 15 educational centers and regional campuses in the United States and two regional centers in the Pacific Rim. Students can study abroad or spend a semester or more working on any of these campuses. U.S. News and World Report included UIU on its list of the best online bachelor’s programs in the country. It has a small rural campus in Fayette, Iowa that covers more than 100 acres and has an enrollment of more than 900 students. It has an enrollment of more than 6,000 students including all its other campuses.

Upper Iowa University Accreditation Details

UIU has the accreditation that lets transfer students successfully carry their past credits with them and the accreditation that allows students to get and use a wide range of financial aid. That accreditation comes from the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) and acts as a type of regional accreditation. The university takes the time to review its accreditation before applying for its renewal too.

Upper Iowa University Application Requirements

Though UIU charges an application fee, it will waive this fee for students who apply online. Applying online also allows students to work on their applications when they have the time and save their progress for the future. Students who submit the traditional application must send a check or money order with it to cover the application fee. Incoming freshmen must also submit official high school transcripts or a certificate that shows the student has a GED. These transcripts should also show the dates the students finished or will finish high school. The only other requirement is an official score from the SAT or ACT.

The university’s MBA program will only accept students who have a cumulative GPA of 2.75 or higher or a GPA of 3.0 or higher in the last 60 credits of classes attempted. Students can apply to the program with the online application or a paper application. They must also submit proof of any credentials they have and two letters of recommendation. UIU recommends that students who have weaker letters of recommendation also submit their GRE scores. Both the MBA program and the post-graduate accounting certificate program require that students have either a bachelor’s degree or a bachelor’s and a master’s degree.

Tuition and Financial Aid

Students taking classes on the main campus of UIU pay $1,235 per credit hour or $27,900 per year in any of its undergrad programs. Each campus owned by this university charges different rates, which can range from $633 to $1,395 per credit hour. Those in the MBA program pay $1,692 per credit hour, which is similar to what certificate students pay. The university charges the same rate for this program regardless of whether students take classes online, on the main campus or through a regional center. UIU also offers financial aid packages for both part-time and full-time students. Those packages often include government aid in the form of subsidized or unsubsidized student loans. There are scholarships available for graduate students and undergrad accounting majors too. Upper Iowa University recommends that students interested in its accounting program apply for admissions and financial aid by the early spring.