wisconsin-indianhead-technical-collegeAccounting & Finance at Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College

Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College appears in our ranking of the Top 50 Best Associates in Accounting Online.

Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College offers students several two-year college degrees, certification programs, and college certificates in accounting and finance. For associate’s degrees, students can either obtain an Associate Degree in Financial Services or an Associate Degree in Accounting. Students who earn their two-year degrees can transfer to Wisconsin universities like Northland College, Lakeland University, and Franklin University.

In addition to the two 60-credit associate’s degrees, Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College also offers several programs that award certificates or technical diplomas and require fewer overall credits taken. Accounting-related programs include those for billing and posting clerk, accounting assistant, and tax preparer assistant. Students can also enroll in a program that awards a technical diploma for financial services customer representative.

Some of the courses a student will take in one of the college’s accounting programs include Income Tax Accounting, Budgeting and Cost Control, and Cost and Managerial Accounting. Meanwhile, students who enroll in courses in finance will take classes like Investments, Principles of Insurance, and Money and Banking.

One of the benefits of enrolling in the associate’s degree program for finance is that the college has seen virtually all of its graduates find work within six months of earning the degree. Similarly, students who graduate from the accounting program can earn valuable certificates along the way, like the Tax Preparer Assistant Certificate and the Billing and Posting Clerk Certificate.

Students can take their classes online, as well as at several of the college’s campuses. The certificate programs at the college generally require only classes in finance or accounting, but associate’s degree seekers should be prepared to take general business courses, as well as some general studies classes. The degrees also feature instruction on popular accounting and financial software programs like Excel, Word, Access, and Quickbooks.

Courses students may take to satisfy their general course requirements include Economics, English Composition, and Math with Business Applications. Students may also take Interpersonal Communication, Introduction to Psychology, Speech, or Developmental Psychology. The degrees offer a modest amount of flexibility by providing students with different class choices and electives that they can pursue throughout the program.

About Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College

Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College is located in Wisconsin and features several campuses around the state that are located in the cities of Rice Lake, Ashland, New Richmond, and Superior. The college also operates two small campuses in Ladysmith and Hayward and has a learning center in the Washburn County area. The college’s headquarters are in Shell Lake. Students may enroll in more than 50 career programs at the college.

The college publishes that the starting salary of its graduates is an average of $40,668 and that it’s within the top 150 U.S. Community Colleges according to a list curated by the Aspen Institute. The college also reveals that 95 percent of its graduates find work within six months. The college is also considered a military-friendly institution. In addition to offering career-focused degree programs, students may also enroll in career enrichment courses and certificate programs.

Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College Accreditation Details

Like other institutions of higher learning in Wisconsin, Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. The commission is one of six similar organizations that use peer-reviewed standards to ensure colleges and universities are operating in an appropriate manner. The college also features several programs that have specialized accreditations, which can help with the licensing requirements in various industries and for some types of employment.

Accreditations include those from the National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation, the Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services, the Wisconsin Department of Justice – Training and Standards Bureau, and the Commission on Dental Accreditation. Other approvals come from the Commission on Accreditation for Health Informatics and Information Management, the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs, and the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing, Inc.

Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College Application Requirements

Students who want to apply to Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College can complete their initial application in as little as 15 minutes. Some programs require that students pay an application fee of $30. Some programs also require that students complete a placement assessment. Those programs include several apprenticeships in the areas of plumbing, carpentry, and electrical arts. Other programs require a minimum GPA of anywhere from 2.1 to 2.8 on a 4.0 scale.

Students who want to apply to a program like the Medical Lab Technician Occupational Therapy Assistant or the Veterinary Assistant program must have a high school GPA of at least 2.8 or a college GPA of at least 2.2. Students who already have an associate’s or bachelor’s degree are exempt from these requirements. Students should contact the college for full specifics on application requirements for their chosen program.

Tuition and Financial Aid

Tuition and fees for Wisconsin residents come to $150.25 per credit. Residents of Minnesota also pay $150.25 per credit. Students from Michigan pay a slightly higher rate at $155.25 but still receive a discount on tuition versus other out-of-state students who pay $218.50 per credit. For online tuition, undergraduate programs are $160.25 per credit for Wisconsin and Minnesota residents and $165.25 for Michigan residents.

Other out-of-state residents will pay $228.50 per credit for online tuition. Students may also pay some other fees when enrolled at the college. Fees include an application fee of $30, a challenge exam fee of $50, or a portfolio fee of $90 that includes the evaluation of a student’s work experience. Students may also need to cover some program-specific fees, as well as submit to background checks.

Students can qualify for different types of financial aid when they enroll in courses at Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College. Aid may come from private, state, and federal sources and aid types include grants, loans, scholarships, and federal work-study programs. Available grants that students may qualify for that don’t need to be repaid include Wisconsin Higher Education Grants and Federal Pell Grants. These grants are need-based.

The Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College Foundation offers scholarships to students each year that total over $200,000 and benefit more than 500 enrollees each year. Students can qualify or scholarships based on their financial need, academic achievement, and career goals. Some funding for Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College scholarships comes from corporate donations, and other funds come from college fundraising efforts.