soft skills for finance executives

Top Five Most Important Soft Skills for Finance Executives

  • Great Communication Abilities
  • A Creative Mind
  • Persistence and Work Ethic
  • Time Management
  • Adaptability

Working in finance requires no less than four years spent mastering:

  • the college material
  • professional certification
  • formal experience
  • outstanding soft skills

Not everyone is built for the job. Those that are, however, often struggle in the area of “intangibles” due to the fact that these skills are hard to teach. Here are five soft skills that help lead to successful careers.

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Great Communication Abilities

In order to work in a team-based environment, which is how the field of finance operates, one must have good communication skills. This area involves both the ability to convey ideas verbally as well as through the written form of expression. In other words, knowing how to talk to people both face-to-face and via e-mail is crucial. Fortunately, experience enables you to get better at this particular part of the job.

A Creative Mind

Given the underlying concept of the entire financial world, you often have to work with clients on deals that require creativity. Take, for instance, account executives who work in vehicle sales. A simple approval could require them to cross-reference things like someone’s:

  • credit history
  • current income
  • and much more

Then, you have to customize a deal that would fit that party’s inputs while still making your firm some money. These types of job requirements are impossible to master if you lack the necessary creativity.

Persistence and Work Ethic

Before a financial prospect can start working, they often have to obtain no less than a bachelor’s degree and certain certifications. Due to this, they must carry the necessary dose of persistence and work ethic in order to succeed. The same is true for long transactions and negotiation that could last for many days or even weeks. Well, to be successful in these areas of the job, you will have to be extremely persistent while remaining open to compromises. Additionally, having a long track record of good work ethic will help you establish your reputation and build relationships with clients.

Time Management

As with every professional job, having good time-management abilities is borderline mandatory. In finance, this is even more important. People who work in the field must juggle numerous responsibilities and countless clients. Thus, having a perfect recall of when certain deadlines are coming up will help you complete more projects successfully. Additionally, having good time management skills is crucial to help avoid the so-called burnout stage. For those unfamiliar, this happens when you find your job too taxing on the body and starts despising it. Well, managing time well will help get the necessary rest before any burnout even sets in.


Financial management is one of the few fields where constant changes tend to make people shift their approach. For instance, the changes in tax law in 2017 caused a ripple effect across the industry. Why? Because providers had to account for new tax expenses or savings in order to approach their clients in an efficient manner. Similarly, new laws pertaining to capital expenditures are passed almost every year. So, understanding them and knowing how to adapt will make your job much easier.


There are many soft skills that contribute to professional success, according to Forbes. Learning how to master these talents would help people who work as financial executives immensely. In fact, the difference between ranks could be nothing more than a difference in the proficiency of relevant soft skills.

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